Visual Styles
What are Visual Styles?
Quite simply, Visual Styles are fun and interesting ways of displaying your AR Pro program. Each Visual Style has it's own
color scheme, it's own way of displaying buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, slider bars, even the text in the programs. And, with so
many styles available, we're sure you will find a favorite style or even several favorite styles for your program!
We randomly picked 7 Visual Styles to show you just how far and wide your choices are for selecting a Visual Style that best suits you:

And, this is just a fraction of the styles that are available in AR Pro.
Don't yet have Windows 11? No problem! Our programs have Visual Styles that mimic the Windows 11 style of displaying programs so you can
take a peek at how that looks right from within AR Pro.
Using a multi-user computer? Each user can select their own Visual Style and have their programs set up their way without interfering with
the Visual Style of the other users.
I hope this helps explain what Visual Styles are and how much fun they can be in setting your Dirigo Software program to the way you want
it to look. If you have any questions please let us know!
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This page was last updated on November 17 2023 14:52:03